Saturday, February 10, 2018

Chiropractors Offer Advice to Those With Diabetes

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If current trends are to be believed, 1 in 5 Americans will have diabetes by 2025 — and 1 in 3 a generation later.

So says the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which calls the figures “alarming.” But when you think about today’s lifestyles — too often sedentary, with unhealthy diets — is it really all that surprising? ChirobetesC

“We simply cannot sustain this trajectory,” says the agency’s Dr. Ann Allbright.

Certainly genetics also play a part in explaining why 29.1 million Americans already suffer from the disease. It’s characterized by the body’s inability to produce (or properly use) the hormone insulin that’s needed to convert sugar, starches, and other food into energy.

But when it comes to those lifestyle issues — which, unlike genes, we can control — perhaps the best advice to limit the growing epidemic of diabetes comes from Dennis Marchiori, DC PhD, current president of the Association of Chiropractic Colleges: “Simply put, when you live healthier, you have a better chance of managing your blood sugar.”

The “DC” stands for doctor of chiropractic. And today’s chiropractors, with a minimum of seven years of education and clinical training, are helping to address the root cause of lifestyle-acquired Type II Diabetes (or Adult On-Set Diabetes) through their emphasis on healthy living and natural lifestyles. They’re also well-educated in nutrition, enabling them to construct individualized health regimens for patients that include:

• Eating well-balanced meals that are low in processed sugar.

• Consuming a variety of fiber-rich foods like fruit, vegetables, and whole grains.

• Weight management.

“Type II Diabetes is a preventable disease, and choosing a healthy lifestyle is critical,” says the not-for-profit Foundation for Chiropractic Progress’ Gerard Clum, DC.

And if you’re new to exercise, a chiropractor’s skill in manual care will also come in handy.

For more information or to find a chiropractor in your area, visit

Are You at Risk for Heart Failure? 5 Need-to-Know Facts

 From casual conversation to pop culture, the heart is the organ we love to talk about. We reminisce about our high school heartthrobs, center our hearts in yoga class and cry over our last heartbreaks.
The human heart is important — essential, actually — but not infallible. Heart failure is the cause for over a million hospital visits in the U.S. annually and an unimaginable $31 billion dollars of health care expenses. It is a chronic, progressively worsening disease with high mortality that affects more than 5.1 million Americans.
Is your heart at risk? Here are five facts about heart failure that you need to know:
1: Heart failure occurs from an overworking heart.
Heart failure occurs when the heart can’t pump enough blood to meet the body’s demands. Initially, in patients with heart damage from problems such as coronary artery disease, heart attack or chronic high blood pressure, the heart will work harder to provide the body an appropriate blood supply. As the heart becomes overworked, the heart muscle gradually weakens. Over time, the heart will fail to pump appropriately, generating a condition commonly known as heart failure.
2: Identifying heart failure is tricky.
Most people don’t discover they have heart failure until after they have experienced a heart attack or stroke. The leading causes of heart failure are diseases that damage the heart.
3: Heart failure is common.
Every 30 seconds, someone in America is hospitalized due to heart failure. In the United States, 550,000 people are diagnosed with this disease each year, and 30 percent of these individuals will pass away within six to 12 months.
Certain groups are at an increased risk. African-Americans are 20 times more likely to have heart failure before the age of 40. People over age 65 are at the greatest susceptibility.
4: There is hope.
New treatments and innovative monitoring tools are now available for people with heart failure. These include the CardioMEMS HF System, a first-of-its-kind remote monitoring device for Class III heart failure patients. The device, developed by St. Jude Medical, creates a monitoring bridge between a patients home and care team by remotely sending vital information to the physician’s office on a regular basis.
5: Stay in control.
If at risk for heart failure, manage your health by scheduling a checkup with your physician. If you have heart failure, talk to your physician about your options, including remote monitoring tools like the CardioMEMS HF System.
The human heart has earned a spot in our everyday conversation for a reason. Don’t take this organ for granted. Find more information about St. Jude Medical and its commitment to healthy hearts at
The CardioMEMS HF System is indicated for wirelessly measuring and monitoring pulmonary artery (PA) pressure and heart rate in New York Heart Association (NYHA) Class III heart failure patients who have been hospitalized for heart failure in the previous year. The hemodynamic data are used by physicians for heart failure management with the goal of reducing heart failure hospitalizations.
The CardioMEMS HF System is contraindicated for patients with an inability to take dual antiplatelet or anticoagulants for one month post-implant.
Potential adverse events associated with the implantation procedure include, but are not limited to, the following: infection, arrhythmias, bleeding, hematoma, thrombus, myocardial infarction, transient ischemic attack, stroke, death, and device embolization. Refer to the user’s manual for detailed indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions and potential adverse events.


A Yogi’s Guide to Finding Joy in 2017

 Many people claim to be searching for peace and joy in their lives, especially as a new year begins after the intense and often stressful holiday season. However, many joy seekers may be looking in the wrong places, according to yogi and spiritual teacher Sadhguru. The founder of the Isha Foundation and social activist has published a new book on finding joy within oneself rather than expecting to find it in the outside world. His book, Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy (Spiegel & Grau Hardcover/Random House, September 20, 2016), emphasizes that self-awareness is one of the keys to unlocking a life of joy from the inside.
In a recent interview with Yoga Journal, Sadhguru said that joy comes from creating an “inner chemistry of blissfulness where being joyful is not being subject to something outside of you.”
“[If] someone or something can make you happy or unhappy, [that] means what happens within you is determined by an aspect outside of you. This is the worst form of slavery,” he emphasizes.
The book features sadhanas, daily guidelines designed to help individuals lead a life of joy by looking inward, and other insights on joyful living. To begin, Sadhguru asks readers to consider what constitutes a state of well-being. He defines it as a sense of pleasantness. “When pleasantness is within, it is termed peace, joy, happiness,” he writes.
He encourages individuals to focus on happiness within to help them create pleasantness, and therefore joy, in the world at large. “When you are in a pleasant inner state, you are naturally pleasant to everyone and everything around you,” he notes. “Inner pleasantness is a surefire insurance for the making of a peaceful society and a joyful world.”
The editors at Yoga Journal suggest the following meditation for finding inner joy by invoking a state of well-being:
*Breathe deeply, relax, and think of a time of great joy and well-being.
*Try to remember all the details of that joyful experience, including sights, sounds, and smells, and try to recall how your mind and body felt in that moment.
*Practice recalling your joyful moment each day for a week, and ultimately you may be able to tune in to the general feeling of joy without recalling the specific occasion.
For more information about Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy, visit the book site at

Improved Treatment for COPD Coming, Says Harvard Scientist

 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) takes an enormous toll in human suffering and medical costs. More than 30 million Americans struggle from frequent coughing, increased breathlessness, wheezing, and the other symptoms of the progressive lung disease.
Most COPD patients must take medications every day. As a result, inhaled drugs for COPD, such as Spiriva, have become blockbusters, bringing in billions of dollars a year in revenue.
These drugs work by opening up airways in the lungs to make breathing easier. Unfortunately, the so-called bronchodilator drugs currently on the market have limitations, says Dr. David A. Edwards, Professor of the Practice of Idea Translation at Harvard University. “The main problem is that they are not very efficient at delivering drugs to the lungs,” he explains. Much of the drug sticks in the mouth or throat rather than getting to the lungs where it is needed. In addition, says Dr. Edwards, “the fact that the drugs remain in the mouth and throat can lead to serious side effects.”
That’s why a number of companies have been working on innovative new approaches to increase the efficiency of drug delivery. “One particularly promising idea, being developed by Pulmatrix, Inc. [NASDAQ: PULM], is to attach drugs to small particles that can ‘fly’ far more easily into the lungs,” says Dr. Edwards. Such advanced “dry powder” technology can deliver three to 50 times more drug to the lungs compared to current inhalers, while dramatically reducing the amount stuck in the mouth or throat. “It’s like a pill for the lungs,” he says.
Pulmatrix is now developing an inhaled bronchodilator product for COPD that combines the active ingredient found in Spiriva with its proprietary dry particles. Clinical trials show that the product is five times more efficient at delivering the drug to the lungs than the currently marketed alternatives.
“That should bring both good efficiency and fewer side effects — offering important benefits to COPD patients,” says Dr. Edwards.

Harvard Scientist Says Improved Treatment Coming for COPD

 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) takes an enormous toll in human suffering and medical costs. More than 30 million Americans battle with frequent coughing, increased breathlessness, wheezing, and the other symptoms of the progressive lung disease.
Most COPD patients have to take medications every day. As a result, inhaled drugs for COPD, such as Spiriva, have become blockbusters, bringing in billions of dollars a year in revenue.
These particular drugs work by opening up airways in the lungs to make breathing easier. Unfortunately, the so-called bronchodilator drugs currently on the market have limitations, says Dr. David A. Edwards, Professor of the Practice of Idea Translation at Harvard University. “The main problem is that they are not very efficient at delivering drugs to the lungs,” he explains. Much of the drug sticks in the mouth or throat rather than getting to the lungs where it is needed. In addition, says Dr. Edwards, “the fact that the drugs remain in the mouth and throat can lead to serious side effects.”
Which is why a number of companies have been working on innovative new approaches to increase the efficiency of drug delivery. “One particularly promising idea, being developed by Pulmatrix, Inc. [NASDAQ: PULM], is to attach drugs to small particles that can ‘fly’ far more easily into the lungs,” says Dr. Edwards. Such advanced “dry powder” technology can deliver three to 50 times more drug to the lungs compared to current inhalers, while dramatically reducing the amount stuck in the mouth or throat. “It’s like a pill for the lungs,” he says.
Pulmatrix is now developing an inhaled bronchodilator product for COPD that combines the active ingredient found in Spiriva with its proprietary dry particles. Clinical trials show that the product is five times more efficient at delivering the drug to the lungs than the currently marketed alternatives.
“That should bring both good efficiency and fewer side effects — offering important benefits to COPD patients,” says Dr. Edwards.

Are You Rehydrating for Optimal Health?

 Everyone knows that water is essential for life and health, but not all water is the same. Ionized alkaline water, for instance, takes full advantage of the science of hydration.
Scientists can measure hydration, or dehydration, by the thickness of blood, also known as blood viscosity. The more dehydrated you are, the thicker your blood becomes. Chronic dehydration can have negative effects, which is why water is so important to our bodies.
Water that is produced through an ionization process yields a pure water with a high pH level that has shown to be more effective at reducing blood viscosity and improving rehydration than a leading bottled water brand, according to a recently published clinical study.
The study, published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (JISSN), used a sample of 100 healthy adults (50 men and 50 women) aged 25 to 49 years, who were randomized to drink either standard purified bottled water or Essentia, a high-pH, ionized alkaline water. Those who drank the Essentia water following exercis-induced dehydration showed significantly better rehydration compared to the other leading bottled-water brand.
“These findings underscore Essentia’s superior impact on hydration, important to a variety of lifestyles, and reinforces our commitment to providing a unique, effective, and quality product,” says the company in a statement. In addition, Essentia is the only bottled water featured in the Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR) to alert clinicians to the latest research on optimal hydration.
Essentia’s unique ionization process consists of three specific parts. First, water from any source is passed through micro-filters, reverse osmosis and ultraviolet exposure to achieve a purity of 99.9 percent. Pure alkaline electrolytes such as magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium bicarbonate are infused in trace amounts creating a perfect blend for a clean, smooth taste.
From there, bitter-tasting acidic water ions are removed, producing an ionized-9.5-ph-or-higher alkaline water that’s better at rehydrating.
Essentia’s bottles are free of BPA (bisphenol A and phthalates), and are recyclable anywhere in the United States.
Visit for more information about the clinical study.

What Would You Have to Give Up to Pay for An Unexpected Hospital Visit?

 We may all be one stomach bug away from an unexpected hospital visit. Accidents and illnesses can occur without warning, wreaking havoc on finances and negatively impacting everyday life, even with health insurance.
While many people have major medical insurance, rarely do they prepare for the additional financial impact of out-of-pocket costs even a short stay in the hospital can incur. The average length of a hospital stay is 4.6 days and costs $11,000, according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
What would the average family have to give up to pay that type of medical bill — eating out at restaurants for a year or more, weekly lawn service, maid service, pet grooming or family movie nights?
No one should have to stress about the impact hospital visits and related expenses could have on everyday life. That’s why companies like Aflac have designed supplemental hospital indemnity insurance policies to help cover what major medical insurance may not. Hospital insurance provides additional coverage that can help protect individuals and families from potentially devastating medical expenses, allowing them to keep their lives on track.
When specific events associated with a hospital visit occur, policyholders receive cash benefits that can be used to help cover everything from treatment costs to expenses that health insurance doesn’t typically cover, such as, rent, gas, groceries, utilities, child care and other necessities.

Unique Needs Require Unique Benefits
It is important to note that not all hospital plans are created equal and not all hospital visits are necessarily related to an accident or critical illness. Appendicitis, fever or even a child’s repeated earache can lead to a hospital stay.
Keep an eye out for plans that include customizable benefits, such as telemedicine, diagnostic exams, acute care and psychologist visits, and that provide the coverage you and your family may need. The right combination of hospital benefits can enhance your existing coverage and help add protection from life’s mishaps.
Be Prepared for The Unexpected
Even if your health changes, life doesn’t have to. So help protect your lifestyle through benefits options tailored to your needs. Consider talking to your human resources representative about making supplemental hospital indemnity insurance available at your workplace.
To learn more about Aflac’s hospital indemnity policies, visit

Rehydrating for Optimal Health

 Water is essential for life and health. Everyone knows this. But not all water is made the same. Ionized alkaline water, for example, takes complete advantage of the science of hydration.
Scientists can measure hydration, or dehydration, by the thickness of blood, also known as blood viscosity. The more dehydrated you are, the thicker your blood becomes. Chronic dehydration can have negative effects, which is why water is so important to our bodies.
Water that is produced through an ionization process yields a pure water with a high pH level that has shown to be more effective at reducing blood viscosity and improving rehydration than a leading bottled water brand, according to a recently published clinical study.
The study, published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (JISSN), used a sample of 100 healthy adults (50 men and 50 women) aged 25 to 49 years, who were randomized to drink either standard purified bottled water or Essentia, a high-pH, ionized alkaline water. Those who drank the Essentia water following exercise-induced dehydration showed significantly better rehydration compared to the other leading bottled-water brand.
“These findings underscore Essentia’s superior impact on hydration, important to a variety of lifestyles, and reinforces our commitment to providing a unique, effective, and quality product,” says the company in a statement. In addition, Essentia is the only bottled water featured in the Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR) to alert clinicians to the latest research on optimal hydration.
Essentia’s unique ionization process consists of three specific parts. First, water from any source is passed through micro-filters, reverse osmosis and ultraviolet exposure to achieve a purity of 99.9 percent. Pure alkaline electrolytes such as magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium bicarbonate are infused in trace amounts creating a perfect blend for a clean, smooth taste.
From there, bitter-tasting acidic water ions are removed, producing an ionized-9.5-ph-or-higher alkaline water that’s better at rehydrating.
Essentia’s bottles are free of BPA (bisphenol A and phthalates), and are recyclable anywhere in the United States.
Visit for more information about the clinical study

Chiropractic Care Offers Drug-Free Pain Relief for Back Pain Sufferers

Lower back pain can be a short-term or chronic problem that can strike anyone of any age at any time. Whether you have a desk job or are on your feet all day, you are likely to experience an episode of lower back pain at some point in your life, along with tens of millions of others. At best, lower back pain is an annoyance; at worst, it is debilitating and interferes with work, leisure activities and your overall quality of life.

“You’d be a really uncommon person never to have had an episode of back pain,” Chris Maher, a health researcher at the University of Sydney, Australia, says in an interview with National Public Radio.

Today, there are drug-free options for relief of lower back pain – with chiropractic care as an optimal, first-line option that can help people to avoid prescription painkillers.

Chiropractic care in particular has shown success at improving or eliminating lower back pain, and helping patients return to work and regular activities. Doctors of chiropractic receive a minimum of seven years of higher-level education and are well-trained to perform a variety of hands-on techniques to help enhance flexibility, muscle strength and range of motion.

As chiropractic care has become more popular and mainstream, most insurance and health plans now provide some coverage, according to Dr. Sherry McAllister of the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress.

To find a doctor of chiropractic in your area, visit

The Opioid Crisis’ Latest Victims: Addicted Babies

 And now the nation’s opioid crisis is putting newborn babies at risk.
The use of prescription painkillers like OxyContin by women during pregnancy has resulted in what’s being called “an explosion” of infants as addicted to the drugs as their mothers. Newly published data in JAMA Pediatrics shows the number of cases of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) has risen five-fold in the U.S. from 2000 to 2012 — that’s nearly 22,000 affected infants in that last year alone — and the reality behind those stats is heart-wrenching.
“The babies, they really suffer, just like adults do when they withdraw from narcotics,” Dr. Terrie Inder, chair of pediatric newborn medicine at Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital, told CBS News. “The babies are very irritable and sometimes have high heart rates, sweating, flushing, diarrhea. They cry a lot.”
Heightening experts’ concern:
* The crucial early “bonding” between mother and child is disrupted, given the babies’ average hospital stay of 24 days.
* The mothers — often unaware of the potential collateral damage from the painkillers they’ve been taking — experience what Inder calls “anxiety and guilt.”
Back and neck discomfort is especially common during pregnancy since women’s postural changes can result in spine and pelvic pain. The open question is whether this latest development — combined with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s call last year for physicians to dramatically curtail prescribing opioids — will encourage more women to seek alternatives like drug-free chiropractic care.
“All chiropractors are trained to work with women who are pregnant,” the American Pregnancy Association says, lauding their expertise in “establishing pelvic balance and alignment.”
As the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress notes, visits to highly educated and trained doctors of chiropractic are covered by

Why Yoga Relieves Stress, Improves Health and Balances Your Life

 Life is stressful. Between a down economy, long commutes to a job you may not even like, and overbearing bosses, not to mention trying to eke out a few minutes of "me" time in between diaper changes and dinner dates with your significant other, life can be challenging.Equally apparent is that for decades we’ve been told that yoga can combat all of these stressors — and yet, it seems as if it is one of the last things people try to take the edge off.For Leslie Crespi, a social worker in Atlanta, it was the changes she saw in a colleague that got her to consider attending an Inner Engineering program of Isha yoga. A key component to the practice is the "kriya," which Crespi describes to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution in an interview as a "process to energize and balance the human system using breathing.""The kriya gives me a sense of balance and the ability to deal with life as it is," she tells the paper. "It’s not about what I do anymore. It’s about how I am, and that’s a beautiful way to live."If the thought of having more balance and energy in your life sounds intriguing, the Isha Institute of Inner Sciences may just be for you.Nestled in Tennessee’s spectacular Upper Cumberland (45 minutes outside of Chattanooga), the retreat center offers daily campus tours that include light hikes, rejuvenating time spent in Adiyogi: Abode of Yoga (an energized meditation space), and a visit to the largest yoga and meditation hall in the western hemisphere.For daytrippers, visitors learn yoga for free, if they arrive in the scheduled time for the session each day.Looking to stay awhile? An overnight includes the option of private studio accommodations, delicious vegetarian buffet meals, and an introductory yoga session of the visitor’s choice, such as the yoga of sound, yoga for strengthening the joints, and yoga for purifying life energies.The center also offers a myriad of opportunities for hiking and mountain biking on forested trails winding throughout nearly 1,400 acres. The center’s five miles of mountain biking trails feature waterfalls, a spring-fed creek, and bluff overlooks.And for those strictly interested in getting centered, there are beginning level yoga and meditation weekends, classical Hatha yoga programs, and individual wellness retreats.For more information, please visit 

Chiropractic Care Eases Pain During Pregnancy

For pregnant women, pain relief from lower back pain can be a challenge. This is magnified for those expectant mothers who seek opiate painkillers to relieve pain symptoms during pregnancy.

Cases of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) — in which babies are born addicted to opioids because of their mothers’ use of the drugs during pregnancy — have increased fivefold between 2000 and 2012, based on data from mothers and babies in the United States published in the journal, JAMA Pediatrics. That number represents approximately 22,000 infants within the last year, according to the study.

In an interview with CBS News, Dr. Terrie Inder of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Mass., says that, “The babies really suffer, just as adults do when they withdraw from narcotics.”

Providing alternative methods of pain relief for mothers-to-be will help prevent the birth of opioid-addicted babies. The recent directive from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advising physicians to significantly cut down on the prescribing of opioids as painkillers should encourage more physicians to recommend drug-free pain management strategies, many of which are at least partly covered by insurance plans or are eligible for reimbursement through flexible spending accounts.

Chiropractic care is a safe, drug-free option to help pregnant women manage the spinal and pelvic pain that often accompany pregnancy. A minimum of seven years is required to attain a doctor of chiropractic degree. “All chiropractors are trained to work with women who are pregnant,” and can provide relief by using hands-on adjustments to restore pelvic balance and alignment, according to the American Pregnancy Association.

For more information about chiropractic care and to locate a doctor of chir

New Nighttime Grind Guard Relieves Jaw Pain

Don’t be so quick to blame your sore jaw or stiff neck on sleeping on a flat pillow or at an odd angle. Instead, a pattern of subconscious nighttime teeth grinding and jaw clenching (known as bruxism) could be to blame.
Bruxism is more common than most people realize — approximately 1 in 6 American adults suffer from it.
Signs of bruxism include teeth pain or sensitivity, as well as pain in the jaw, neck, or inner ear. If left untreated, bruxism also can cause permanent damage to the teeth by wearing away the protective enamel. And compromised enamel also increases the risk of developing cavities and gum disease.
Bruxism is most often caused by stress and, although there is no specific medication or treatment to cure bruxism, the condition can be managed successfully by using a nighttime dental guard as part of a regular oral health care routine.
One problem, however, is that current products wear down quickly or don’t position the jaw to relieve the symptoms of bruxism sufferers.
Enter the Ora-Guard Dental Grind Guard, a newly designed product that has been reviewed and cleared by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration for use by patients with bruxism.
This nighttime dental guard is made of a soft, medical-grade material designed for comfort and to help absorb the pressure of jaw clenching.
Unlike other products available, the guard also features hard- surface molar pads to protect the teeth from the back-and-forth grinding pressure of nighttime bruxism.
The unique 2mm bite wedge design naturally slides the lower jaw down and forward, and has clinically shown to increase the airway by 30 percent, aiding in more natural breathing during sleep.
In addition, Ora-Guard is significantly less expensive than a customized dentist-made grind guard. An easy, individualized custom fit can be obtained with the simple 60 second microwave fit procedure.
A flexible labial strap allows the guard to accommodate most mouth sizes, and T-bars along each side help to hold it securely in place. Another key feature is the low level of maintenance: simply rinse the guard with mouthwash or water before using it at night and store it in the accompanying case during the day.
Because of its more advanced materials, the life of this guard is more than six months compared to current guards, which have a much shorter life span.
Visit for more information about identifying and managing bruxism

Olympic Power Couple Teams Up to Fight Blood Cancers with Team In Training

 Olympic track and field stars, Ashton Eaton and his wife, Brianne Theisen-Eaton, have joined The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Team In Training as National Ambassadors.
The power couple will support this iconic endurance sports training program in its quest to cure blood cancers, the third leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S.
Fresh off of their medal-winning Olympics in Rio de Janeiro last summer, the Eatons announced their retirement in January, looking for their next challenge. For their entire professional career, they have competed for different teams — Ashton for the United States, Brianne for Canada — but now they will be joining the same team, Team In Training (TNT).
LLS invented the concept of sports endurance training for charity with the 1988 NYC Marathon. Since then, Team In Training has raised more than $1.5 billion for research and patient support, trained more than 650,000 people, and helped LLS invest more than $1 billion in research to advance breakthrough cancer treatments.
The Eatons will be raising awareness for Team In Training’s new Offerings. No longer just marathons, Team In Training’s portfolio now includes high profile cycling, hiking and climbing events, including teams training to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. All events offer the program’s mainstay coaching, community support and camaraderie, and a new, innovative training app, to take teammates from training to finish line.
As Team In Training gears up for its 30th anniversary, the Eatons will be raising awareness for the work LLS does to find cancer cures by advancing cutting-edge research, funded in part through Team In Training.
Ashton Eaton, a two-time gold medal winner in the Decathlon, regarded as the “World’s Greatest Athlete,” says, “Team In Training is the perfect fit for Brianne and me. Our careers have been about chasing personal goals that might seem impossible, while representing something bigger than ourselves. We couldn’t be prouder to come on board.”
Brianne Eaton, a bronze medalist in the Heptathlon, adds, “We strive to provide inspiration and encouragement to Team In Training teammates and coaches, to promote personal mastery while raising funds for LLS’s mission — to find cures and ensure access to treatments for blood cancer patients.”
“Ashton and Brianne are set to start energizing Team In Training teammates across the country and the world,” says LLS’s CEO, Dr. Louis J. DeGennaro. “Their involvement will help us create significant awareness for LLS as we raise much-needed funds for research and patient support to make someday today for blood cancer patients.”

Sustained Happiness Starts from Within

“What is happiness? We can say happiness is this or that, but in terms of life, your life energies are happening in a more exuberant way than it normally happens,” according to yogi, visionary, and thought leader Sadhguru.
Although children are naturally happy with things as simple as an empty box or a bucket of sand and some water, the cost of happiness increases in adulthood, Sadhguru explains. Many adults find that their happiness depends on outside forces, such as relying on someone else, obtaining something else, or engaging in additional activities.
“Everybody has been happy, but the problem is they’re not able to maintain it,” Sadhguru notes.
“All this effort of life, everything that you did — education, career, business, family, whatever you did — was in pursuit of happiness. Everything that humanity has done on this planet is in pursuit of happiness,” he observes. But these factors can be seen as externally rather than internally driven.
By contrast, another way to achieve sustained, long-term happiness involves starting from the inside. Sadhguru’s latest book, “Inner Engineering” offers guidance on how to achieve long-term happiness by focusing on yourself. The role of an Isha yoga practice, as outlined by Sadhguru, is one element in the process of developing sustained happiness.
Isha yoga can help individuals develop happiness from within by building confidence and health.
According to a recent survey of 536 adults who practiced Isha yoga, 98 percent reported improved mental clarity, 94 percent reported improved inner peace, and 92 percent reported improved emotional balance.
In addition, the Inner Engineering course “helps you put your life on self-start so you become in charge of your happiness, joy, and peace,” according to Sadhguru.
The course includes guidance on how to manage all aspects of one’s being: mind, body, emotions, and “the fundamental life energy within.” Interested individuals who have read Sadhguru’s book and taken the Inner Engineering course online may be able to attend in-person classes this spring.
Sadhguru will be conducting Inner Engineering in Spring, 2017, starting on April 29-30 in Tampa, Florida, and May 27-28 in Vancouver, British Columbia.
For more information about Sadhguru and Inner Engineering, visit www.innerengineering.c

Dry Mouth Product Reduces Plaque

Researchers at the University of California, Irvine analyzed the effects of OraCoat XyliMelts oral adhering discs on people affected by clinically diagnosed dry mouth. The study showed that the discs reduce tooth plaque by 58 percent and improve the ability to eat and swallow for those affected by dry mouth.
XyliMelts is a patented dry mouth product that sticks to the gums outside of a molar, releasing one-half gram of Xylitol, which stimulates saliva, and cellulose gum which, combined with saliva, forms a lubricating gel.
The study evaluated the effects of XyliMelts on saliva production and the ability to neutralize acids, as well as patient comfort. The study was administered to five test subjects who used the remedy as recommended: two discs while sleeping, one on each side of the mouth, and as needed during the day. On average, the subjects used four discs each day during daytime hours.
Results showed that the product significantly reduced sleep disruption by lasting for six hours while sleeping, when dry mouth is at its worst, while improving mouth wetness in the morning. It also diminished tooth sensitivity to hot, cold, and spicy foods and drinks.The discs more than doubled saliva production while in place, and increased the ability of saliva to neutralize acids that cause tooth decay. Most importantly, the test displayed that subjects using XyliMelts in conjunction with standard oral care showed heightened saliva flow compared to standard oral care alone.
doubled saliva production while in place, and increased the ability of saliva to neutralize acids that cause tooth decay. Most importantly, the test displayed that subjects using XyliMelts in conjunction with standard oral care showed heightened saliva flow compared to standard oral care alone.
livery of Xylitol.*

The 21-day clinical study evaluated in patients with dry mouth the effects of XyliMelts on saliva production and ability to neutralize acids, as well as patient comfort. The study was administered to five test subjects who used XyliMelts as recommended: two discs while sleeping, one on each side of the mouth, and as needed during the day. On average, the subjects used four discs each day during daytime hours.

Test results showed the clinical usefulness of XyliMelts for effectively relieving dry mouth. Researchers found that XyliMelts significantly reduced sleep disruption by lasting for six hours while sleeping, when dry mouth is at its worst, while improving mouth wetness upon waking in the morning. XyliMelts also diminished tooth sensitivity to hot, cold, and spicy foods and drinks. The adhering discs more than doubled saliva production while in place, and increased the ability of saliva to neutralize acids that cause tooth decay. Most importantly, the test displayed that subjects using XyliMelts in conjunction with standard oral care showed heightened saliva flow compared to standard oral care alone. XyliMelts not only alleviates symptoms of dry mouth, they also stimulate saliva production.

Overall, subject feedback to XyliMelts was positive, with subjects stating that they would continue using the discs while recommending them to others. Subjects also reported XyliMelts as easy to use with a favorable taste and overall mouth feel.

The study was published on February 13, 2017, and can be found here.

In a March 2016 Clinicians Report® survey of dentists published by CR Foundation, an independent, non-profit, dental education and product testing foundation, 152 dentists who were familiar with OraCoat XyliMelts rated it more effective than any other remedy for dry mouth, including prescription drugs which came in second.?

XyliMelts are available over the counter at CVS and Rite Aid. For more information on XyliMelts, visit Consumers interested in receiving a free sample (limit one per household) should call 1-855-275-4766.

A companion product to OraCoat XyliMelts for oral cancer patients is OraCoat XyliGel®, a soothing gel with 17% Xylitol buffered to pH 7.4 to relieve dry mouth. It works especially well for people with very low levels of saliva. XyliGel is available online at

Fighting Fungal Lung Infections with Innovative Inhaled Technology

 Fungal infections in the lungs are a serious, underreported medical issue.Most people don’t realize that the air we breathe is laden with the spores of many different types of fungi and molds. For the large majority, this isn’t a problem. The spores either get trapped in our airway mucus and expelled, or are tackled and neutralized by our immune systems.But in many people, especially those with compromised immune systems or lungs, such as those who have cystic fibrosis (CF), the spores germinate into fungi that cause both serious infections and allergic reactions.Usually caused by the spore-forming mold, Aspergillus fumigatus, the problem is particularly acute in CF patients, with half of that patient population requiring treatment for fungal infections in their lungs and, in the case of severe asthma, affecting millions of patients."This infection can cause an allergic reaction, known as allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis or ABPA, that impairs lung function," explains Dr. Richard Moss, former chief of the Pediatric Pulmonary and Allergy Divisions at Stanford University.Fighting these fungal lung infections has been difficult.There are oral anti-fungal drugs, such as one called itraconazole. The problem is getting enough of the drug through the bloodstream to the lungs, where it’s needed. Getting sufficient lung concentrations requires giving high oral doses that can cause severe side effects, including liver toxicity.The ideal alternative would be to deliver the drug directly to the lungs of patients by inhalation. However, due to dosing limitations, standard inhalation technologies aren’t able to do this.But now there’s an innovative new technology from a Massachusetts-based company, Pulmatrix (NASDAQ:PULM), which uses small, dense particles that easily fly into the lungs. The company has incorporated itraconazole to the particles, enabling it to be efficiently delivered.Preclinical studies have already shown that Pulmatrix’s experimental anti-fungal inhaled drug can achieve high drug concentrations in the lungs, with very low amounts in the bloodstream."This inhaled drug technology has great potential to treat serious fungal infections and the allergies those infections cause without the dangerous side effects and drug-drug interactions of using oral drugs," says Moss.

New Hygiene Spray Fights Eyelid Parasites

 Millions of Americans suffer from chronic eye conditions caused by thousands of tiny parasites, called Demodex mites, living on their eyelids."These microbes are extremely common and yet largely an unknown problem," says ophthalmologist Kathryn Najafi-Tagol, MD, Founder and Medical Director of the Eye Institute of Marin in California.The parasites burrow into eyelids, Dr. Najafi-Tagol explains."That causes inflammation and plugs the eye glands that produce the oily layer needed to keep tears from evaporating," she says. As a result, people suffer from red, inflamed and dry eyes. Often they also experience a crusty buildup of debris on their eyelids.Moreover, the infestation of parasites often attracts other microbes, such as bacteria, that add to the inflammation and discomfort while at the same time also providing food for the parasites."For many years, we didn’t have a good solution to this problem," Dr. Najafi-Tagol says.Doctors typically used lid scrubs that contained tea tree oil, a substance shown to reduce the mite population. But the large concentration of tea tree oil needed to combat the mites usually irritated the eyes.Fortunately, eye doctors now have a new and better approach, says Dr. Najafi-Tagol.A company called NovaBay Pharmaceuticals (NYSE MKT: NBY) has developed an eyelid hygiene product called Avenova. It is the only lid hygiene product to contain Neutrox, a pure 0.01 percent solution of hypochlorous acid (HOCl). HOCl is a substance that is naturally made by our own cells. In vitro testing shows that NovaBay’s proprietary version (Neutrox) kills bacteria, and Dr Najafi has found that Avenova helps prevent the proliferation of the mites in her patients."It is also very easy to use," says Dr. Najafi-Tagol. "I show my patients how to spray it on their eyelids twice a day. It is completely safe and non-irritating, and my patients find it feels refreshing . My patients who have been suffering for years say that it has finally brought them some relief."Dr. Najafi-Tagol says that she now has prescribed Avenova for more than a thousand patients, with success."Avenova is the first good weapon we have to fight these very unpleasant parasites," she says. "It is a remarkable advance in eye care.

New Device Helps Protect Patients from Stroke During Heart Valve Replacement

 As people age, stroke is one of their greatest fears. In fact, many Americans believe that surviving a stroke with a disability could be worse than dying. With stroke being one of the biggest risks of undergoing heart valve replacement, doctors are enthusiastic about new technology that may help.Almost one in 10 patients that undergo minimally-invasive heart valve replacement, known as trascatheter aortic valve replacement, or TAVR, have a stroke.Most of these strokes occur during the procedure or in the first 72 hours following it, caused by calcium deposits or tissue that breaks loose from the heart valve or surrounding area and travels to the brain, causing damage.However, a new, FDA-cleared technology, called the Sentinel Cerebral Protection System, is now available and has been shown to help protect patients from the risk of stroke during TAVR.It is the only device available in the U.S. to protect the brain during this procedure, and studies have shown that it reduces the incidence of stroke by 63 percent. The Sentinel works by capturing and removing the potentially damaging material released during the procedure before it reaches the brain, providing protected TAVR. Clinical studies have shown that 99 percent of TAVR patients have this type of debris removed after the procedure.It is being offered by selected centers across the country that perform the TAVR procedure.Robert Eckley of Seminole, Florida, was able to undergo protected TAVR using the new technology in a clinical trial before it was approved."My biggest fear was having a stroke, and I really believe if I didn’t have the Sentinel device, I would have had serious problems. I’m grateful to have had a successful surgery and the device did capture a lot of debris," he says."My lifestyle is back to normal and I can do all the activity I used to do before the surgery without dizzy spells, shortness of breath or stopping to rest."For more information about the Sentinel and protected TAVR, visit or call (707) 528-7253

Seven Steps to Becoming the Healthiest You Ever

 Seven out of ten Americans have admitted to working while tired. Nearly one in three say that this happens regularly, according to Accountemps. Culturelle is supporting immune health and energy through new Pro-well Immune + Energy, with ingredients that work naturally with the body to help sustain optimum energy and support immune health, without caffeine. Culturelle wants you to Think Positive Energy with The Healthiest You Ever. Learn more tips and tricks for energy support, plus share your own tips for a chance to win many prizes including a grand prize retreat to Red Mountain Resort. See full-sized image here.

Propanc Pancreatic Treatment Meets FDA Milestone

Cancer patients with pancreatic, ovarian, or colorectal tumors have reason for hope. A solid tumor treatment known as PRP, developed by Propanc Biopharma Inc. (PPCB), has received an Orphan Drug Designation from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration as the company prepares to move forward into first-in-human studies.

PRP is an intravenous solution designed for once-daily administration. The product contains a combination of two pancreatic proenzymes, trypsinogen and chymotrypsinogen, for the treatment of pancreatic cancer, which currently has an average survival rate of 6 months, and fewer than 5 percent of patients survive for 5 years after diagnosis.

The Orphan Drug Act (ODA), applies to drugs, vaccines, and diagnostic agents if they are intended to treat a disease affecting fewer than 200,000 Americans. The ODA allows companies sponsoring orphan drugs and other products to qualify for tax credits up to 50 percent for research and development costs, as well as research and development grants and waived FDA fees, as well as help with research protocols, seven-year FDA-administered market Orphan Drug Exclusivity, and potential tax incentives for clinical trials.

“Receiving ODD from the FDA provides us with tremendous confidence we are on the right path, and the potential benefits to fast-track the development process and receive attractive benefits for up to seven years when we achieve market approval, is very exciting for an emerging biopharmaceutical company like ours,” James Nathanielsz, Propanc Biopharma’s Chief Executive Officer, says.

“We are now firmly focused on the hard work ahead of us to proceed into first-in-human studies as soon as possible,” he says. “I am truly grateful to our shareholders who continue to support our company. I hope this encourages investors to see the true value of our technology,” he adds.

PRP researchers recently concluded a successful GLP-compliant, 28-day repeat-dose toxicity study that yielded no toxicological findings after administration. The data indicate a broad margin of safety that supports a safe starting dose of the drug for use in first-inhuman studies.

“Our drug is unique because it reprograms cancer cells to become benign and essentially forces them to behave as a normal cell,”says Dr. Julian Kenyon, Propanc Biopharma’s Chief Scientific Officer.

“I look forward to seeing how PRP works in the clinic, in a controlled clinical trial,” he says.

For more information about Propanc and PRP, visit

This is How Serious the Opioid Crisis Has Become

 Lest there be any doubt that we’re in the midst of an opioid abuse crisis, September has been declared "Drug-Free Pain Management Awareness Month."Emphasis on "drug-free."Lost in the headlines over the sheer number of deaths from overdoses of the drugs — more than 90 Americans each day — is how all too many patients’ downward spiral began with what must have seemed like a routine initial doctor’s prescription for painkillers like OxyContin."It’s become a sadly common story," NPR reported. "People get prescribed painkillers. They become addicted. And then they seek out cheaper and more potent drugs like heroin and synthetic opioids."That the September designation comes from the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress, and is included on the SHSMD/American Hospital Association’s Calendar of Health Observances & Recognition Days, makes perfect sense.Many health experts have long backed a "chiropractic-first" approach — arguing that it was an effective, safer way of addressing many patients’ spine and joint-related pain. Still others got on board after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last year finally began urging physicians to use alternatives to opioids and the American College of Physicians recommended spinal manipulation.The month-long series of nationwide events — open to the public, state legislators, and healthcare professionals — will highlight the value of chiropractic for seniors, athletes, pregnant women, military veterans, and other pain sufferers."I’m living proof that chiropractic works,’ said Ret. Brig. Gen. Becky Halstead, who made history as the first female graduate of West Point (1981) to be promoted to General Officer. Halstead, the events’ honorary chairperson, credits her own chiropractor for finally relieving the pain from her chronic fibromyalgia.For more information, visit

Opioid Crisis Hits Home

If you’ve been paying attention to the news, you know we’re facing an opioid crisis — so much so, in fact, that September has been declared “Drug-Free Pain Management Awareness Month.”

“Drug-free” being the key words.

Lost in the headlines is how all too many patients’ downward spiral — more than 90 Americans overdose each day — began with a routine doctor’s prescription for painkillers like OxyContin.

“It’s become a sadly common story,” NPR reports. “People get prescribed painkillers.
They become addicted. And then they seek out cheaper and more potent drugs such as heroin and synthetic opioids.”

It makes sense that the September designation comes from the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress, and is included on the Society for Healthcare Strategy and
Market Development of the American Hospital Association’s Calendar of Health Observances & Recognition Days.

Many health-care professionals have long promoted a “chiropractic first” approach — arguing that it is an effective, safer way of addressing many patients’ spine and joint-related pain. Still others supported this approach after the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention last year began urging physicians to use alternatives to opioids and the American College of Physicians recommended spinal manipulation,

The month-long series of nationwide events will underscore the value of chiropractic care for seniors, athletes, pregnant women, military veterans, and other patients who are in pain.

“I’m living proof that chiropractic works,” says Ret. Brig. Gen. Becky Halstead, the first female West Point graduate to be promoted to General Officer, in a statement. Halstead, will serve as the honorary chairperson for “Drug-Free Pain Management Awareness Month” and credits her chiropractor with helping relieve her chronic fibromyalgia pain — and literally saving her life.

Visit for more information.

More than 20 Years Helping Cancer Patients and Saving Lives

 Where can I get good information about my disease and treatments? Is there anyone I can talk with who has been through this? What will treatment cost?These are just a few of the hundreds of questions Blood Cancer Information Specialists at The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) answer day in and day out.Because there are so many recent breakthrough discoveries in cancer treatments, patients and caregivers need up-to-date information, education, and support to help navigate these complex diseases, treatments, and financial, emotional, and social challenges.According to LLS President and CEO Louis J. DeGennaro, Ph.D., "There is no other organization that provides the level of patient support and service that LLS?does. Our trained, compassionate Blood Cancer Information Specialists spend hours talking with patients — many of them newly diagnosed — about their disease, clinical trials, how to talk to their physician, and so much more."In addition to our significant investment in research to find cures, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is a patients-first organization. We launched our Blood Cancer Information Specialist group in 1997 — this work is in our DNA!"The LLS Information Specialists are social workers and nurses who work one-on-one with blood cancer patients and caregivers, connecting them to free personalized information tailored to a patient’s specific diagnosis as well as to a variety of free resources and services, including:* Clinical Trial Support Center A highly unique and comprehensive service to assist patients in accessing clinical trials.* Financial Support — Assistance with the cost of treatment, transportation and daily expenses.* LLS Community — A free online network providing support and education to thousands of blood cancer patients and their caregivers.* Patti Robinson Kaufmann First Connection Program — Peer-to-peer support program to help patients and caregivers cope by matching them with trained volunteers who have also been touched firsthand by a blood cancer.* Co-Pay Assistance — Help for eligible blood cancer patients to pay for prescription drug co-pays and health insurance premiums.* Local Support Groups — A program that gives patients and their families a place to go where they can share information, education and feelings in a comfortable and caring environment."When I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia at 38 years old, I didn’t really understand what it was," says survivor Jasmin Egan."My doctor introduced me to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s free patient online support group, LLS Community, which allowed me to connect with so many others who were going through exactly what I was enduring. It was comforting to hear from others about how they were dealing with the effects of treatment and their disease."LLS Blood Cancer Information Specialists are available by phone at (800) 955-4572, and live chat or email via — Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET. (View a video about the LLS Information Specialists and their work here.

Prescription Opioid Painkillers: The Signs and Symptoms of Abuse

Good Health is More Than What You Eat

Behavioral health issues are more common today. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, about 25 percent of all adults in the United States have a mental illness and 50 percent will develop one in their lifetime.Mental health diseases affect not only the mind, but the body too. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that "[mental illness] is associated with chronic medical diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity."Public health surveillance, the continuous collection and analysis of health-related data, can help ensure high-quality health care. Monitoring mental health illnesses via population-based surveys and other methods can provide valuable information on how to run effective treatment programs. If behavioral health problems are managed successfully, the effects of mental illness and chronic diseases can be minimized, leading to improved general health.Currently, companies and institutions around the country are working to provide better access to mental health treatment services. Humana, a leading health and well-being company, has pilot programs and initiatives as part of its Bold Goal aimed at making communities 20 percent healthier by 2020. To do this, they tackle barriers that prevent good mental health, as well as food insecurity and social isolation. Program objectives of the Bold Goal include: providing remote access to behavioral health within a primary care setting, teaching educational classes that discuss nutrition and health literacy, and addressing suicide prevention.Try these ideas, from Humana’s Dr. Lawrence Weinstein, Chief Medical Officer for Humana Behavioral Health, to enhance your own mental health:Exercise: There is overwhelming evidence that indicates physical exercise helps to lessen the effects of depression. This is due to the release of endorphins, or "feel-good" hormones, in the brain.Eat a Healthy Diet: A diet high in sugar consumption is strongly correlated with mental health problems. Eating whole foods and limiting intake of processed foods are important habits to maintain.Go Outside: Get enough exposure to sunlight to maintain healthy vitamin D levels. Low levels of vitamin D are associated with psychiatric and neurological disorders.Eliminate Bad Habits: Both smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol can cause increased levels of stress and tension. Over time, this can lead to mental illnesses, such as depression.Get Help When Needed: Getting help from a friend, family member, or professional is highly likely to improve behavioral health. Actively seeking guidance can lead to a quicker recovery from mental illnesses and mental disorders. And this will ultimately allow you to live a healthier, fuller life.For more information, visit

An Alternative to Opioids for That Pain in Your Neck

Your body does quite an amazing balancing act with your head.Which is to say, if you imagine a 10-pound mass (your head) sitting atop a column of bones (your neck) — with split-second movements in all directions — you’ll begin to understand why neck pain ranks as one of humankind’s most common and persistent problems.There are all sorts of neck pain: the temporary type you have after sleeping awkwardly, the sore type you have following exercise, or the nagging type often associated with a car accident. At least in the first case, the general consensus can be summed up thusly: "Stop doing what makes it worse."Chronic pain, however, is a different matter.Not only can it be debilitating, but — since prescription drugs are often used to address the condition — it’s also at the center of the opioid crisis now roiling the nation.With drugs like OxyContin, Norco and Vicodin carrying the risk of addiction and even death, both the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have urged consumers and healthcare providers alike to seek non-pharmacologic alternatives for managing such pain.One of the most popular choices? Drug-free chiropractic care, which boasts high patient-satisfaction scores and is covered by most insurance."Doctors of chiropractic are well-trained and highly educated in the structure and function of the human body," says Sherry McAllister, DC, executive vice president of the not-for-profit Foundation for Chiropractic Progress. "They use hands-on techniques to help enhance neurological control, flexibility, muscle strength, and range of motion."To locate a nearby doctor of chiropractic, visit

The Signs and Symptoms of Prescription Opioid Abuse

When a medical doctor prescribes an opioid painkiller to help you or someone you love manage back pain, you probably don’t think about the drug’s addictive effects such as physical dependency, abuse, or even death.

However, you might want to think again.

Addiction to prescription opiate pain medications such as OxyContin has reached such epidemic proportions in the U.S., that the President’s Commission on Combating Drug Addiction has called for the White House to declare a “national emergency” to combat the enormous toll opioid use and abuse is taking on the country.

Adding credibility to the seriousness of the opioid epidemic is former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) David A. Kessler, who has criticized the agency he once oversaw for failing to foresee the crisis, “It has proved to be one of the biggest mistakes in modern medicine.”

These signs will help you detect opioid abuse in yourself or a loved one:
• Constipation
• Nausea
• Drowsiness
• Confusion
• Poor coordination
• Increased pain with higher doses

So what are you to do if you’re a pain sufferer?

With both the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommending non-pharmacologic alternatives to opioids, one option to note is drug-free chiropractic care, which has gotten high marks from patients for dealing with neuro-musculoskeletal issues like low-back and neck pain.

Doctors of chiropractic, who are highly educated and trained in the structure and function of the human body, use hands-on techniques to help enhance flexibility, muscle strength and range of motion. Most insurance and health plans cover its use.

“If you recognize yourself in those symptoms,” says Dr. Sherry McAllister of the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress, “don’t be embarrassed to first talk to your prescriber, and then seek out a local chiropractor.”

For more info on the Foundation’s opioid abuse campaign or to find a nearby a doctor of chiropractic, visit

Americans Address The Need To Better Prepare for Alzheimer’s Disease

 The odds that you know someone affected by Alzheimer’s are high, considering that more than five million people are living with Alzheimer’s and more than 15 million Americans provide unpaid care for those living with the disease.With the number of people in the United States living with Alzheimer’s disease expected to triple in the next few decades, to more than 16 million in 2050 it is not only individuals with Alzheimer’s who are impacted — their family members and friends can feel the toll of providing care for loved ones.As Alzheimer’s and other dementias impact a growing number of individuals and their families, communities must find ways to become more supportive and accessible to those living with these diseases.The Home Instead Senior Care network encourages Americans to pledge to learn more about the disease and how to compassionately engage with those who live with it.No matter who you are, you have something to learn — from caregivers and families of those living with Alzheimer’s, to business owners or simply those who want to be more respectful and compassionate to those they may meet suffering from Alzheimer’s or other dementia.Home Instead Senior Care invites everyone to participate in free online training based on your role.These educational courses, created by experts in dementia care, will help people learn how to better respond to the needs of those living with the condition and their caregivers.After the online learning sessions, participants are encouraged to share what they have learned with friends and family.Interested individuals can find a training course that can help at courses take no more than one hour to complete. The website also includes a variety of other free resources and opportunities to learn more about Alzheimer’s and dementia. For example, Home Instead recommends these five tips to learn more about Alzheimer’s and dementia:1. Learn the symptoms. Visit to learn more about the symptoms and signs of Alzheimer’s and other dementias.2. Read an article about Alzheimer’s. Articles about Alzheimer’s can be found at Watch and share the "I Will Remember You" video at Take an E-Learning Class. Visit to find an online Alzheimer’s and dementia class that interests you.5. Spread the word. Take the Home Instead Alzheimer’s Learning Day pledge and share on your social media channels why you are participating.To explore more about Alzheimer’s and dementia care and family caregiving, find a Home Instead office near you at

New Resources Critical for Stroke Recovery

The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association (AHA/ASA), the world’s leading voluntary organization dedicated to building healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke has developed new stroke rehabilitation tools for healthcare professionals and clinical providers, to help stroke patients achieve the best recovery outcomes and quality of life possible.The tools, which are developed through the AHA/ASA’s Together to End Stroke initiative, leverage recommendations from the first-ever, AHA/ASA issued Adult Stroke Rehabilitation and Recovery Guidelines for healthcare providers, and call for intensive, multidisciplinary treatment.The Healthcare Provider tool-kit includes recommendations in the following areas (and more):* The Rehab Program* Prevention and Medical Management of Comorbidities* Transition in Care and Community InterventionsThe Patient and Caregiver toolkit is also available and includes:* Patient guide to making good rehab decisions, such as what to expect in medical rehab and how to choose the right rehab facility.* Patient quick sheet to rehab planning to ask the right questions at the hospital, before discharge, for rehab providers and questions family members should be asking.Together to End Stroke, which is nationally sponsored by Kindred Rehabilitation Services, elevates awareness that stroke is largely beatable through high-quality rehabilitation, patient support and implementation of the AHA/ASA’s Stroke Rehabilitation and Recovery Guidelines."The science of stroke rehabilitation is advancing rapidly, due to the development of new technology, and stroke outcomes are improving as a result," says Dr. Mitchell Elkind, chair of the American Stroke Association and professor of Neurology and Epidemiology at Columbia University.Stroke is a leading cause of serious disability. But there’s increasing evidence that rehabilitation can have a big impact on a survivors’ quality of life. In many cases, survivors regain skills and return to independent living. However, many survivors do not receive the appropriate level and amount of rehabilitation services needed to maximize recovery."Stroke is largely preventable, increasingly treatable, and, now more than ever, beatable. With the AHA/ASA and its alliances putting more strategic efforts in place, all of us can provide better care, which can translate into fewer stroke recurrences and less disability in stroke survivors," says Elkind.For more information and to access the free rehabilitation and recovery resources for healthcare providers and patients, visit 

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Medicare Advantage Plan

 The Medicare Annual Election Period takes place this fall from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7. It’s a time for people with Medicare to make important decisions about their health care.There are many factors, in addition to premiums and medical provider networks, to consider when researching the Medicare plan that best meets your health and budget needs for 2018. Knowing the benefits offered by Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare Prescription Drug Plans — both offer enhancements to Original Medicare — will also be key in your decision making.Here are five common hiccups Medicare beneficiaries may experience when considering their options:* Your monthly payments are not the only thing to consider. After you analyze your previous year’s plan and assess the most affordable option for the coming year, including extra costs that can be incurred down the road, consider the total value of the Medicare plan you select.* Your drug coverage is not the same everywhere. Drug prices can vary depending on your location, pharmacy and how much you’ve used your prescription benefits. Make a list of your medications and consider prescription drug plan options that include mail-order.* Your plan is not just for medical visits or emergencies. People living with a chronic condition may want to look for plans offering personalized care, such as health coaching. Many Medicare Advantage programs also offer benefits, such as fitness programs, for maintaining healthy, active lifestyles.* You may not need the same plan as your spouse/significant other. It’s important for spouses to sit down and assess your health needs, and doctors and hospitals. This ensures your Medicare plan makes sense for your health, budget and lifestyle.* You’re not on your own in making this decision. Utilize free resources, such as licensed Medicare health insurance agents, or go to, to help identify the best plan for you.You can also call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) or TTY: 1-877-486-2048 24 hours a day, seven days a week for 2018 Medicare plan information. Or you can call Humana at 1-888-204-4062 (TTY users can use 711).Understanding the resources and tools at your disposal will allow you to take "advantage" of all the benefits Medicare plans have to offer in 2018.Humana is a Medicare Advantage [HMO, PPO and PFFS] organization and a stand-alone prescription drug plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in any Humana plan depends on contract renewal.ACCEPTED: Y0040_GHHK3KFEN 

Friday, February 9, 2018

Why Women Suffer More from Dry Eye-And How They Can Find Relief

More than 16 million Americans report that they suffer from a condition called dry eye, and the total number may be as high as 30 million.Women are twice as likely as men to endure this often-painful condition, with symptoms including irritated, scratchy, or burning eyes, a feeling of something in the eyes, excess watering, and blurred vision.Why is dry eye more common in women? One reason is that computer use, makeup and contact lens wear can exacerbate the condition, explains John D. Sheppard, M.D., M.M.Sc., President of Virginia Eye Consultants. The hormonal changes associated with menopause and pregnancy may also adversely affect the eyes. And the incidence of dry eye rises with age.But now, women can find relief from these symptoms, thanks to an eyelid hygiene product from NovaBay Pharmaceuticals (NYSE MKT:NBY) called Avenova.A key root cause of many cases of dry eye is the dense population of bacteria growing on the eyelids and lashes."These bacteria can block glands in the eyelids that produce an oil that keeps our tear film from evaporating," Dr. Sheppard explains. "Without enough oil, the eyes dry up and become painful."The bacteria also release toxins that cause inflammation and produce an enzyme that compromises this crucial oil layer.First, Dr. Sheppard and his colleagues are directly fighting the bacterial overpopulation using Avenova ocular eyelid spray. The key ingredient in Avenova is Neutrox, a pure 0.01 percent formulation of hypochlorous acid, a substance that is naturally made by our human white blood cells to fight microbial invaders."Avenova does an excellent job removing the excess harmful bacteria," says Dr. Sheppard. "Moreover, it directly inactivates the lipase enzyme that breaks up our vital oil."Dr. Sheppard and his colleagues also manage dry eye by using oral Omega 3 and essential fatty acid supplements to help control inflammation.These natural, organic and extremely safe approaches are bringing huge improvements for Dr. Sheppard’s own patients. "Women may no longer need to suffer from this often-painful condition."

Stroke Care Quality And Prevention A Priority in China

 As part of its ongoing efforts to reduce death and disability from stroke globally, the American Heart Association (AHA)/American Stroke Association (ASA), the world’s leading voluntary health organization devoted to fighting cardiovascular disease and stroke, and the Chinese Stroke Association (CSA), announced that Boehringer Ingelheim has joined a project launched with Medtronic to fund the development of a stroke care quality improvement program in China modeled after the AHA/ASA Get With The Guidelines-Stroke program."Stroke continues to be the leading cause of death in China," says Yongjun Wang, MD., Ph.D, President of Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University and executive president of the Chinese Stroke Association. "We are devoted to providing the platform for the education, training, clinical research and public education about the symptoms of stroke."Understanding the signs of stroke and reacting quickly are critical to increasing the survival rates and improving outcomes of stroke patients," says Ying Xian, M.D., Ph.D, FAHA, American Stroke Association spokesperson and Assistant Professor of Neurology and Medicine at the Duke University Medical Center and Duke Clinical Research Institute."The AHA-powered program that the Chinese Stroke Association is developing is significant given the prevalence of stroke – particularly hypertension – in the country, as well as the nearly 7,500,000 of Chinese people who suffer from a stroke."The adapted Get With The Guidelines program is a set of "best practices" that aims to continuously improve treatment, enhance the quality of care and prevent future strokes in China. Education about the signs and symptoms of a stroke is a component of the project and is applicable for first responders and emergency medical personnel."We feel honored to have the opportunity of working together with the Chinese Stroke Association, the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association and Medtronic to reduce the burden of stroke in China," says Georg van Husen, M.D., Corporate Senior Vice President, head of Therapeutic Area CardioMetabolism, Boehringer Ingelheim."The work we have done to improve acute stroke care through our Angels Initiative with the World Stroke Organization and the European Stroke Organization will add great value to this program.""As a leading stroke care solution provider in stent retriever therapy, Medtronic is deeply committed to working in the global marketplace to improve the quality of stroke care around the world, and particularly in China," says Chris Lee, President and CEO, Medtronic Greater China."Our efforts with the American Stroke Association, Chinese Stroke Association, and now Boehringer Ingelheim to significantly improve the quality of stroke care across the country underscore that commitment. Boehringer Ingelheim joining us also adds to the scale and reach of the project and will bolster our collective efforts to make a significant health impact."

Addicted Babies Are The Latest Victims in U.S. Opioid Crisis
Newborn babies are the most recent casualties of the U.S. opioid crisis.

With prescription painkillers such as Oxycontin being used by women who are pregnant, the result is an “explosion” of infants who are as addicted to the drugs as their mothers. Current published data in JAMA Pediatrics shows that the number of cases of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) has risen exponentially in the nation from 2000-2012, with nearly 22,000 affected infants in that last year alone.

“The babies, they really suffer, just like adults do when they withdraw from narcotics,” Dr. Terrie Inder, chair of pediatric newborn medicine at Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital, tells CBS News. “The babies are very irritable and sometimes have high heart rates, sweating, flushing, diarrhea. They cry a lot.”

Among other things, experts also fear that:

• The much-needed early “bonding” between mother and child is disrupted, because the babies’ average hospital stay is 24 days;
• The mothers – often unaware of the potential consequences from the painkillers they’ve been taking – experience what Inder calls “anxiety and guilt.”

Neck discomfort and back pain are common during pregnancy, primarily due to postural changes that can result in spine and pelvic pain. The question becomes whether this latest development – along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendation last year for physicians to dramatically curtail prescribing opioids – will encourage women to seek other alternatives, such as drug-free chiropractic care.

“All chiropractors are trained to work with women who are pregnant,” says the American Pregnancy Association, touting their expertise in “establishing pelvic balance and alignment.”

As the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress notes, visits to highly educated and trained doctors of chiropractic are covered by most insurance and health plans.

For more information, visit

Non-Opioid Pain Relief Offers Hope to Weekend Warriors

They may not make ESPN’s highlight reel, but amateur athletes get injured just as often as the pros. It could be from an awkward golf swing, or something as simple as not warming up or stretching long enough before participating in an event.

Whatever the case, there is one thing they have in common with well-paid pros, according to Outside magazine: “The reality is that all athletes are one fall, twist, or tweak away from landing their own opioid prescription.”

The warning couldn’t be more timely. It’s not only that the U.S. is in the midst of an opioid crisis that has claimed the lives of thousands of prescription painkiller abusers and left countless more addicted to the likes of Oxycontin. It’s also that, as the magazine states, doctors are starting to seriously heed last year’s call from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to dramatically minimize prescribing the drugs.

According to a survey conducted for the Boston Globe by the SERMO physicians social network, more than half of the doctors across the nation are doing exactly that, and nearly one in 10 have completely stopped prescribing them.

So what is an amateur athlete in pain supposed to do? Many experts suggest trying a drug-free approach, such as chiropractic care.

Whereas opioids (and other anti-inflammatory forms of over-the-counter drugs) only “mask” the pain, doctors of chiropractic approach the problem as highly educated and trained in the structure and function of the human body.

In addition, doctors of chiropractic use hands-on techniques to help enhance flexibility, muscle strength, and range of motion – the very things all athletes need addressing. And bonus? Chiropractic is covered by most insurance and health plans, says the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress’s Dr. Sherry McAllister.

To find a doctor of chiropractic, go to

How to Be A Better Medicare Patient

The doctor is in. But are you prepared to make the most of your appointment?One of the most important steps you can take to invest in your long-term health is to develop a strong relationship with your primary-care physician. Yet you might not realize that there are actions you can take to be a better patient that will, in turn, help you get the most out of that doctor-and-patient relationship."Start with scheduling an annual checkup," says Donna M. Perisee, M.D., PhD. of Humana, a leading health-and-well-being company. "This is how your doctor gets to know you and your unique medical history. From there you can collaborate on a health plan that includes preventive care as well as a treatment plan."If you have Medicare, that annual "wellness" visit is generally covered in full. A thorough exam allows your primary-care physician to pick up on a variety of illnesses and can catch potentially serious conditions early on. Finding, diagnosing and treating problems early may improve your chance of living a healthier, longer life.Your doctor and the practice’s staff may also be able to assist with important services such as creating nutrition and exercise goals, as well as scheduling preventive services such as flu shots and cancer screenings.To maximize every visit with your physician, Humana’s Dr. Perisee recommends that you:* Always bring all of your medicines to your office visits for review. You can use a clear, zipper -locked bag to keep them together.* Think about and write down any medical concerns you have, including how long you have been experiencing them. Please be as complete as you can.* Mark down dates or bring a calendar to show the frequency of problems, such as headaches, stomach, muscle or joint pain problems.* Try to arrive for each office visit 10 minutes before to get checked in and update any necessary paperwork.* Inform your primary-care doctor of any labs or medical tests from other doctor’s visits to allow your primary-care doctor to better coordinate your care.Investing in your relationship with your primary-care physician can also ensure that you get the most from your 2018 Medicare plan. Your physician can help you complete all your covered annual screenings and coordinate any specialist visits you may need.The doctor is in. Are you ready?

Over-the-Counter Drugs May Not Be the Solution Pain Sufferers Think

Maybe it’s because of all the scary news surrounding opioid abuse, but a new study shows Americans now seem to be extremely wary of taking any kind of prescription medicine to relieve pain.A whopping 78 percent of those surveyed in a joint effort by Gallup and Palmer College of Chiropractic said they’d "prefer to try other ways to address their physical pain before they take pain medication."What many may not to realize is that even over-the-counter (OTC) and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) frequently used to treat mild and moderate pain come with risks. The likes of aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen and naproxen can trigger adverse effects such as ulcers, bleeding, gastrointestinal problems, and – in rare cases – increased risk of stroke or even kidney damage."If over-the-counter medications are used, it should be remembered that just because it’s OTC doesn’t mean it’s completely safe for everyone," says Velma Wilks, RPh, a practicing registered pharmacist in Lubbock, Texas, who believes people should consider non-pharmacological approaches first.She’s not alone. In fact, one alternative to both opioids and OTC drugs – drug-free chiropractic care – has grown so popular among those seeking relief from back and neck pain that it’s become something of a movement under the rallying cry of "chiropractic first."Highly educated and trained in the structure and function of the human body, doctors of chiropractic use hands-on techniques to help enhance flexibility, muscle strength and range of motion. Most insurance and health plans cover its use."One hundred million Americans suffer from chronic pain, and they deserve to know the risks about the OTC medications they’re taking," says the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress’ Sherry McAllister, DC.To locate a nearby doctor of chiropractic, visit

Health Trend to Watch in 2018 – Personalized Medicine

 When scientists first read the entire genetic code of a human being in 2003, the monumental achievement promised a new era in medicine.What diseases we get, and how we respond to drugs, depends in large part on our own individual genes. Knowing our own genetic code, therefore, makes it possible to design specific treatments that work best for each person – an approach known as personalized medicine.This personalized approach turns out to be especially important in cancer treatment. Tumors that seem to be of the same type can actually have very different underlying genetic mutations. And because many of today’s drugs are designed to target particular genetic vulnerabilities of cancer cells, a drug that is effective for some tumors will fail for others.Realizing the enormous promise of personalized medicine hasn’t been quick or easy. It has required major scientific and technological advances to prove the links between genetic variations and diseases, and to dramatically lower the costs of identifying and sequencing genes.But recent progress has been impressive. In the last few years, more than one-quarter of all new drugs approved by the FDA have been personalized medicines. And by 2020, the total market for targeted therapies and gene tests is expected to top $149 billion per year.One of the many companies that have been driving this rapid progress is Pittsburgh-based Helomics. The company has developed clinical tests for key genes and other biomarkers in a whole range of different cancers. Studies show that a personalized approach using Helomics’ ChemoFx test brings a 14-month improvement in overall survival in patients with gynecologic cancer. The BioSpeciFx test, for example, examines the genes that are active in cancer cells to reliably inform the patient’s tumor response to drugs.Helomics is also expanding its reach with a new technology it calls D-CHIP™ and a strategic collaboration with Skyline Medical (NASDAQ:SKLN), which markets an innovative system for collecting and disposing of fluids from patients. So more and more in 2018, your drugs will be personalized just for you.

How to Age with Optimism

Having a "glass half full" approach to life has long been considered important for overall wellness. But evidence suggests that there may be truth in this folk wisdom.Humana recently surveyed 2,000 people aged 60 and over, and found that 87 percent of seniors who identify themselves as "most optimistic" reported their health as good to excellent. This is compared to 44 percent for those who said they’re "least optimistic."Also, the most optimistic people reported nine fewer physically unhealthy and seven fewer mentally unhealthy days per month than their least optimistic counterparts.Seniors who rated themselves as most optimistic also reported positively on other attributes linked to health, including sleep, confidence and overall happiness.* 91 percent of the most optimistic respondents reported feeling confident in the past week, while only 52 percent of the least optimistic respondents did, a difference of 39 percentage points.* 90 percent of the most optimistic respondents reported feeling happy in the past week, compared to 44 percent of the least optimistic respondents, a difference of 46 percentage points.* And only 31 percent of the most optimistic respondents reported getting a restless night’s sleep in the past week, while 62 percent of the least optimistic respondents did, another difference of 31 percentage points.Despite these impressive numbers, having an optimistic mindset is often easier said than done. The stresses of life, social stereotypes and one’s natural temperament can all impede approaching aging with optimism. Dr. Yolangel Hernandez Suarez, Humana vice president and chief medical officer for care delivery, has the following advice for anyone struggling to stay on the sunny side of life:1. Take ownership and recognize that your health is your own. To achieve your best health, you need to set personal goals – just for you.2. Engage with your doctor or other health care professional and build a trusting relationship.3. Find a higher purpose that makes you excited to get up in the morning. Humana’s survey found that the majority of respondents (86 percent) who identify as optimists also rank a sense of purpose as an important attribute for aging.4. Remain socially engaged, not isolated, and nurture close relationships. The importance of social engagement is recognized by the 71 percent of Humana survey respondents who identify as optimists and get together with friends or relatives either monthly or weekly. Further, 80 percent of optimists say maintaining an active social life is an important motivator to stay healthy.5. Stay active and remember that physical activity is important. Find something that’s right for you and that you like to do. Almost all of the most optimistic survey respondents (97 percent) say remaining physically active is a major motivator for retaining good health.6. Practice gratitude and make it a habit to look for and appreciate everything you’re thankful for in life."As a boomer myself, I know that the majority of the decisions about my own health take place outside of a doctor’s office," said Dr. Hernandez Suarez. "With the knowledge that optimism may be linked to health and well-being, I’m focused on making positive health decisions through all aspects of my life. Our goal at Humana is to empower everyone to approach health in the same way."

Pain Sufferers May Not Find The Relief

news of opioid abuse recently, but it seems as if Americans are more seriously considering whether or not to take any kind of prescription medicine to relieve pain, according to a new study.

In fact, 78 percent of those surveyed in a joint effort by Gallup and Palmer College of Chiropractic said they’d “prefer to try other ways to address their physical pain before they take pain medication.”

What may come as a shock is that even over-the-counter (OTC) and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs frequently used to treat mild and moderate pain come with risks. Medicine as seemingly benign as aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen and naproxen can trigger adverse effects such as ulcers, bleeding, gastrointestinal problems, and – in rare cases – increased risk of stroke or even kidney damage.

“If over-the-counter medications are used, it should be remembered that just because it’s OTC doesn’t mean it’s completely safe for everyone,” says Velma Wilks, RPh, a practicing registered pharmacist in Lubbock, Texas, who believes people should consider non-pharmacological approaches first.

Underscoring Wilks’ opinion is the fact that one option to both opioids and OTC drugs – drug-free chiropractic care – has grown so popular among those seeking relief from back and neck pain that it’s become something of a movement under the rallying cry of “chiropractic first.”

Highly educated and trained in the structure and function of the human body, doctors of chiropractic use hands-on techniques to help enhance flexibility, muscle strength and range of motion. And most insurance and health plans cover its use.

“One hundred million Americans suffer from chronic pain, and they deserve to know the risks about the OTC medications they’re taking,” says the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress’ Sherry McAllister, DC.

To locate a nearby doctor of chiropractic, visit

Can Chiropractic Care Help Fight Presenteeism At Work?

There’s a name for what may be ailing some businesses and their employees: presenteeism.That’s when people show up for work but don’t perform at full capacity, and – for one big reason – definitely not to be confused with those who routinely waste time at their desks, say, watching the latest cat video to go viral.That reason? Underlying health problems – including chronic conditions like back pain, headaches, and arthritis – that leave them muddling through the day."Underlying the research on presenteeism is the assumption that employees do not take their jobs lightly, that most of them need and want to continue working if they can," the Harvard Business Review reported.Many say the problem has only been exacerbated by the current opioid crisis, and that it’s in employers’ interests to see that their workers have access to safer options to such potentially addictive (or worse) prescription painkillers like OxyContin. One popular approach for relief from neuro-musculoskeletal issues like low-back and neck pain – drug-free chiropractic care – has actually been incorporated in on-site wellness programs by companies like Google, Apple and Facebook.Doctors of chiropractic, who are highly educated and trained in the structure and function of the human body, use hands-on techniques designed to enhance flexibility, muscle strength, and range of motion. Most insurance policies cover its use."Chiropractic care is a win-win situation for both businesses and their employees," said the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress’ Sherry McAllister, DC.So how much money does presenteeism cost businesses? According to a new report by Global Corporate Challenge, 10 times as much as the $150 billion annually in productivity lost from absenteeism.For more info, visit

At-Home Infusion Gives Gift of Health to Patients

 Hemophilia, a blood disorder in which the blood fails to clot properly, is a rare condition, but for those who have it, staying healthy can be challenging.The treatment for hemophilia is multifaceted, but it can include preventive care at home. Patients can give themselves infusions of clotting factors that are normally present in the blood to help prevent excessive bleeding episodes, which can be life-threatening and cause permanent damage.Repeated self-infusion as a preventive measure is associated with a lower incidence of the joint problems that can arise from excessive bleeding.In a recent study, 60 adult blood-disorder patients who self-infused experienced fewer joint problems by preventing the levels of clotting factors in the blood from falling below 1 percent of what is considered normal. Joint problems can become debilitating if left untreated, and patients may be unable to perform routine daily activities, attend school or work, or walk without a cane, walker, or other assistance.In addition, blood-disorder patients who self-infuse have reported feeling more confident and in- dependent, and appreciate the convenience of infusing at home, according to data from NCHS, a specialty pharmacy service for blood-disorder patients.Most importantly, the opportunity to infuse at home also may serve to motivate patients to take their medications as directed."Working to improve non-adherence among patients who intentionally stop their medications or intentionally disregard their prescribers’ instructions can be more of a challenge than simply helping patients remember to take their meds," according to a report from NCHS. "But if you understand why patients are making these choices, you may have better results."Common reasons why patients with a chronic disease such as a blood disorder fail to take their medications as directed include:* Concerns about the high cost of the medication.* Concerns about the medication’s side effects and whether it’s necessary.* Complexity of the treatment.* Communication issues with doctors about the value and benefits of the medication.Service providers like NCHS can help patients achieve more independence by offering discreet home delivery of medications, education and support. Services include detailed explanations about the use, dosing, storage, and side effects of medications so patients feel confident in their at-home care, as well as reimbursement expertise and caregiver education and counseling.For more information about NCHS and managing blood disorders, visit

Three Ways Older Americans Can Benefit From Chiropractic

As a nation, America is getting older. So too is its population, with 10,000 Baby Boomers turning 65 every day. And even if you don’t want to admit it, you are most likely experiencing the same nagging aches and pains that you thought only plagued your parents.

Assuming you’re one of the nation’s 100 million chronic pain sufferers, in all likelihood you’re looking for a safer alternative for treatment other than opioids – especially with headlines of people becoming addicted to prescription painkillers and even dying from them. To see if drug-free chiropractic care is for you, read on.

Back and Neck Pain. It’s the main reason older Americans visit doctors of chiropractic every year. And as Dr. Phillip Pizzo of Stanford University’s School of Medicine says, “We see that for many patients, chronic pain becomes a disease in its own right.”

The aging process is to blame for why even the most active seniors – weekend athletes, for example – aren’t immune from such pain: The muscles, spinal discs, facet joints, and ligaments simply become less lubricated due to lack of hydration, become weaker and less able to withstand normal stresses. Doctors of chiropractic, who are highly trained in the structure and function of the human body, can provide relief through hands-on techniques that enhance flexibility, muscle strength, and range of motion.

Osteoarthritic pain and dysfunction. If your knees or hips are acting up, doctors of chiropractic can also outline an exercise program (just as they can with back and neck pain sufferers) – monitoring your progress along the way – aimed at rehabbing and strengthening specific muscle groups.

Overall wellness. This is, it’s been said, “the wheelhouse of a chiropractor.” Exercise. Nutrition. Alignment. Posture. He or she can advise you on all those and more.

“Doctors of chiropractic are dedicated to helping patients get the best outcome from their body,” says the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress’s Sherry McAllister, DC.

For more information, visit

Chiropractors Offer Advice to Those With Diabetes

Open The Next Page (Diabetes If current trends are to be believed, 1 in 5 Americans will have diabetes by 2025 — and 1 in 3 a generation...